Been a Minute

Well, hello there!

It’s been a while. In fact, it’s been around 4 years. Unholy! But I have decided to pick up Spooky Mc Shooty again. And it is now called Liha. The reason for which will become evident soon.

Now, I don’t want to bore you with the nitty gritty of what happened. So here’s a quick summary.

I improved on about every aspect of the game. Sketched out a roadmap. Where I want to go with this. And made things a bit prettier still.

The plan is to build this up into a game with 3 campaigns, each playing in a unique setting. An abandoned cryogenic test bunker. A crashlanded battleship. And, frankly, I don’t know yet, what will be the third setting. Perhaps an old subway system.

All of the campaigns will have mid bosses and final bosses. Each unique. I have my work cut out for me, alright.

On top of that, the plan also says that there should be a steam release. The store page is in review at this time and I will let you know when it can be seen, of course.

Also, when the first level is finished, I want to extract that as a Demo so you can experience the Flesh for yourself. It’ll be available here and of course on Steam as well.

Alright, that’s the plan. There you go. I gotta jet, there is a lot to do and I need to get moving!

Cheers, people!


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oh hey cool.

looking forward ;) Best of luck

Thank you :)