New Spooky Environments

After a while of a lot of nothing, we’re back at the Spooky McShooty prototype. There is work getting done on putting an art pass on the demo level that you can find in the prototype download.

With this next step we’re focusing on making the envirronment look pretty and actually resemble what we have in mind - a sci-fi bunker punk underground complex that was long abandoned and then taken over by some external power we have not yet specified (details of the story are pending).

There was also some work behind the scenes, addressing weirdly stuttering camera movement and a bunch of fixes for weird bugs in our tick loop code. Eeek!

If you’re interested, give the prototype a whirl and let us know what you think. But beware. The download we offer does not include the art pass yet. We’re still working on it.

As soon as that is ready, however, you shall get a new download to enjoy. Today we wanted to let y’all know that we do actually still work on this prototype as much as we can, between real-life obligations, to see if it goes somewhere.

Thanks for stopping by!

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